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Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 17: Chicken Cutlet

Mighty Subs Chicken Cutlet
Mighty Subs Chicken Cutlet
Eric's Rating: 9/10
David's Rating: 9/10
Steven's Rating: 9/10
Mighty Rating: 9/10


  1. could you please list the ingredients. I want to make sure that the honey mustard is captured for posterity...

  2. The Pefect Chicken Cutlett is with Lettuce mayo Onions and Cheese, ordered half and half. Half to eat in and the other half to take to work for supper.

    The only problem is if you have this Chicken Cutlett is that you tend to be unwilling to eat Chicken Cutletts anywhere else since they can't compare for price and value. The only place that is comperable is Linguini's on Route 20 in Marlborough.

    However since Mighty Subs is in Needham and I no longer work in Needham it makes that perfect sub 70-80 minutes away (Linguini's is 45 min away from me)

    There is nothing sadder than Mighty Subs Withdrawal so today the family is making a road trip there for a picnic at North Bridge.
